Wednesday, July 30, 2014

ArT FuN DaYs At ThE BeAcH!

Recently I had 6 of my grandchildren over for some beach and pool fun days... I managed to get 3 of them to have some art fun.  We played with my Geli Plate and they made some lovely pictures. They were quite amazed how much fun they could have with this. Even my 12 year old grandson had a blast.  Here are some pics of the lovely artwork they created... also, some pics of Mackenzie and Ellia painting and coloring their stampings.  I just love when they create art because they are always so amazed at their work and really know how to appreciate the art they create.

  Unfortunately as we get older we get so insecure about our artwork and can sometimes be our own worse enemies.  If only we could stay thinking as a child.

We did 2 layers on these sheets and I got them to step out of the box with their color choices.  Especially the little one who really only likes pinks and purples...her roses are amazing.

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